Art of Work

Be Freautiful & Multiply

The Flower exudes beauty, freshness, color, tantalizing aroma--and yet, this stage is just one portion of its calling to attract a worthy bee to awaken her from slumber to bear fruit and give life. Love is more than a tool for self-gratification; it is the cornerstone of a functional society entrusted to bequeath more abundance and freedom than it inherited. The Flower is a reminder of the fragility of life and the astounding process of egg (and ego) to eagle, from the birds and the bees to lighted consciousness of the Divine spark, the human Soul. The Sacred Flower takes on the work of the Divine when she willingly says "yes" to life in spite of all of its dragons and snares. Viva la ficha! Viva la vita!


Be Freautiful and Multiply Explanation- Footsol Design Shoes